Campbell Henderson

His name is Jub Jub
His name is Jub Jub by @Humonious (Campbell Henderson)

That name sounds familier... I hope I'm not stealing it from anywhere. If I am, tell me and I'll change it.

anyway this was a thing I drew without the use of the 'stick man' lay out I like doing things like this. You don't have to worry about proportions.

Yeah and his arms are wrong the two bone wit is in the fore arm but hey he has one leg so who cares.

Got a funny feeling this was inspired by the game Medievil. I was just thingking about it... I think. anyway Dan is cool.

20y128d ago
Other Work By @Humonious

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Saturday, 31 January, 2004 @ 12:46 PM

The name is from Neopets.com

Posted: Sunday, 01 February, 2004 @ 03:50 AM

WTF? and I've never even been there.... I'll change it..... one day.

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