Lord Gabreal - Vincent

:Look to the Sky:
:Look to the Sky: by @Blood_Stained_Holyman (Lord Gabreal - Vincent)

Okay this is a matboard peice of my cheetah char, Duma! :)

Matboard was introduced to me by :devgreatruler: and :devlostduckinweirdpond: in 2005. It's legacy carried on for months after that until the day came where I, CTW, would place my mark onto the list of names that inscribe the artist who have used their talent to create a matboard drawn peice. On Dec 6, 2005, I decided to place it...it was now or never

They told me that Prisma pencils show their true meaning when placed upon this cardboard-like peice of material. As I slowly moved my pencil towards the matboard, my pupils dialted as the feeling of awe flushed threw my veins. Closer the pencil moved...edging inch by inch, centimeter by centimere until suddenly...!!!

record screws up and in the BG my friends yell 'c'mon Chanel get off the comp, let me play let me play!'

shrugs ah well..it's like this everyday ;)

Well I matboard really is what I said it was. It has such flash, faness, and class. Prisma were born to be drawn on matboard. They were...truly. Well as in this peice it's my dear cheetah char, Duma, looking up at the stars. It had to be night time for the BG was blue...and I was simply to lazy to color in a day BG. First time you know...didn't want to screw it up. :lol: and hey look! my real sig looks like a Live Nude Sign! wipes away tear... just like I always wanted...sniff


The whole time I was drawing this pic I had this one song from that movie, "Pebble and the Penguin" where Hueby is like singing to Marina and that over board moon like flashes it's colors just like the prisma colors on matboard! Well I still have that song stuck in my head...beacuse we all watched that just the other day lol.

thanks for taking the time to look!

Duma (C) to me art (C) to me

"sometimes...I wonder why the mooooon appeaaars...."

jk lol ^^;

Finished Work
18y204d ago
Other Work By @Blood_Stained_Holyman

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 14 May, 2006 @ 01:13 PM

This is so AWESOME!!! i luv it! u should draw some more!! ...

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