Raistlin for skool by @kaylmcil (Kayla McIlwaine)
This is for school. we were supost to get a book chara and draw them for a cover of the book. of course this isnt TOO booky, nor has a BG which I have to do. but I LOVE RAISTLIN! who is my FAVOURITE DragonLance Chara...and HE
S MINE! well actually not... but "I LOVE HIM"
Yeah!Raistlin is my fave char too!I've read the books!I have the Collector's edition.I'm being him for hallowe'en.I'm gonna make the costume myself!I'm exacly like him!Sown to the very last having a twin too!Teah,I'd be of the red robes,maybe the black soon,I look good in black.....