Rebecca Mason

When Boredom strikes.....^_^;;;;
When Boredom strikes.....^_^;;;; by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

E-heh..this is a result of me and my sister being bored..and also when we draw on the same paper. A complete work of madness I tell's ya ^^;; Right well first we have Dr. Eww Yuck (who I drew), he's a character in something me and my sister do, he is a foot Dr...and his favourite saying is "Ew yuck" hence his name ^^ then there's the Zombiefied Grinning Squirrel (that my sis drew) which is the Grinning Squirrel after too many late nights, Then there's some smiley faces my sis drew..in three different styles, then there's my drawings of a big grinning face and a doggy face (both done in purple pen), Then the other pics my sis did was a upset little Vegeta..and I felt sorry for him so I drew Bulma going to hug him ^^ , My sis drew a vampire girl, a char of her's called Mr. Bubblehead, a dog licking it's paw, a Frog, a Psycho bear, a smiley face, A Piccolo (with thin eye pupils) lurking in the dark, a pic of Buu that went wrong..so she crossed all that out..leaving his mouth..and lastly her char Mr. Ice Cream Man, and my pics are Kriddy (Krillin's 2 and a half year old brother), A baby Crocidile, A hyper toddler Bardock, A character from mine and Charlotte's RP's..his name is Prof Muran..but he's just known as The Prof ^^ , Then there's the Grinning Squirrel, Baby Nappa going "GA!!" heh he's hyper ^^ , Vampire Gohan ...er long story ^^; and lastly Heero's ferret..called..Ferret. ^_^.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

22y2d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

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