Rebecca Mason

Even more Cute Pics .^_^.
Even more Cute Pics .^_^. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

Some random pics that were all drawn together. Duo rests in his bed after trying to get some sleep, but he can't cos a baby Jeice keeps pulling on his braid, A Kid Bardock (around 7 years old) is doing stretching excercises and he's just noticed a camera or something ^^ , A profile pic of Quartina and another pic of Quartina with her hair tied up and she's wearing a ribboned dress (it's kinda like what she had on when Quatre was born), A pic of Gohan and Quatre chatting, A pic of Krillin waving at the camera ^^ , A small couple pic of a kid Radditz and a kid Quartina, A toddler Vegeta suckling his finger and looking up at something with big puppy eyes and Heero and his pet Ferret and it has it's eyes open ^_^.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

22y11d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 21 June, 2002 @ 09:19 AM

::Snorks!!:: I Love Duo's expression!!!! and Bardocks!!! and Raditz!!!! ah stuff it, I love 'em all ^_^ cute piccies Bec! ::Winks::

Posted: Sunday, 28 July, 2002 @ 02:15 PM

Awwwww!!! Deys is 'ittle chibis!!!! I'm such a sucker for chibis and little Vegeta's expression is just to dang kawaii!!

Dark Persian =^.o.^=

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