d taylor

Legolas Doesn't know the words!
Legolas Doesn't know the words! by @thedeanna (d taylor)

hAH! lookit Legolas! He's sunburnt, in a speedo, with one of those stupid hats! XDD okay okay, I have much respect for Orlando Bloom (what with kissing Elijah, and Viggo and for being jokes) but yeah..... Its still fun to make fun of Legolas, cuz it makes everyone so angry XDDD i was gonna make him have a cane.. but.. eh.. i was lazy, done in paintchat!

Finished Work
22y231d ago
Other Work By @thedeanna

Comments & Critiques (11)

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Posted: Saturday, 16 February, 2002 @ 06:03 PM

XD !!!!!!!! HAHAHHHAHAHAHAH ::LMAO:: Anyone who wouldnt find this funny should take the stick out of their bum .. XD hahahhaahha!!!

::tries to get off floor::



Posted: Saturday, 16 February, 2002 @ 10:41 PM

i am frightened and quite disturbed. but, in some odd, freakish, twisted way, i find this amusing.

feels sorry for orlando bloom for the rest of his life, the poor man will be referred to as "legolas" by drooling fangirls everywhere. myself included, no doubt ^_^* feels like a groupie

wait... the picture. yes. oddly humorous. pets legolas yeah. i need sleep. X9~ 'las-poo...

Posted: Sunday, 17 February, 2002 @ 12:00 AM

Orlando Bloom won't be refered to as Legolas by me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He'll be refered to as sessy man! This is a hilarious pic. I love it! http://side7.com/art/ehrehatt

Posted: Sunday, 17 February, 2002 @ 08:57 AM

hmm,that looks more like a bunch of warts and blisters instead of a sunburn...no offence .kick my behind if you think i am trying to insult you,because i am not.i will still call legolas legolas and orlando bloom orlando bloom and..maybe just orlando greenleaf.nyut nyut nyut.sorry,that is the way i laugh,i think i get it from my dad,he does the loudest burp i ever heard in the phone at one of his friends,screams wazzap!!!!!!!the loudest you can hear in the phone at solicitation and he laughs like this:hyut hyut hyut.heh,i speak pig latin.i read the hobbit when i was 8,the lord of the rings when i was 9,and i am finishing the silmarillion before i am 11,that means when i am 10.i understand it all!i get this from my dad too.....my birthday is on feb 21st!uh-ohi never thought of that,i havnt finished the silmarillion yet and its almost my birthday,eeek!did you know orlando bloom fell out of a 3 story building window and broke his back?he recovered though.and then he fell of his horse and broke his rib,he still recovered.i am a girl but the little details in me are exactly like elijah woods!same extreamly short nails,chiped front teeth,sister named hannah(my mom fell down the stairs and killed hannah[my sister]and i am a triplet unlike elijah woods)same messy almost black but brown hair,3 siblings,likes to read,likes smarties alot,went to casa loma(i never got in though)and we are both a mommys little angel out of the 3 siblings.bah,i am a clone of him,yes female.

Posted: Sunday, 17 February, 2002 @ 06:07 PM

LOVE THAT BACKWARDS LEG!!! XD you forgot to mention his backwards leg!

Posted: Sunday, 17 February, 2002 @ 06:22 PM

::points to this so called "frodo baggins" person:: what in the -IOWA- kinda of COMMENT is that?! see i would DELETE that, but i think i will leave it up for all to see the stupidity in which it holds, ahem... and yes brit, i DID forget to point out his giant backwards leg of doom.. why am i commenting on my own paintchat drawing? i don't know.. maybe because i am just so amused... or maybe cuz i like to kiss my own butt.... wait...

Posted: Monday, 18 February, 2002 @ 06:16 PM

ahhhhhh,thank you for calling me frodo baggins,others just call me a wierdo or something else.or they swear at me for some reason saying that i insult them,i didnt i swear!im only a 10 year old girl!oh and i finished the silmarillion,yeah,nyut nyut nyut.goodmorning.can we be friends?sorry,will you be my samwise gamgee?

Posted: Tuesday, 19 February, 2002 @ 08:08 PM

frodo bagginsIS my triplet,and ya know what?she laughs like this.nee haw haw nee nee and its a lovely picture by the way.sarah(oops)i mean frodo baggins is not moms angel...i am.andfrodo makes fun of my work,too.knives does not have a lumpy butt!fRODO

Posted: Monday, 25 February, 2002 @ 05:21 PM

..... o_o; Stares at the picture for eternity. I don't get it... I guesse it would be funny if I didn't think Legolas was so hot! Drool. (If Orlando had long blonde hair and pointy ears I will call him Legolas, otherwise he is just plain Orlando!) Elijah is also a hottie! I love watching him in "The Faculty" Its sooo funny when he's "Tweaking" as Joshy says, I prefer the word high but whateva.. Oops! off subject there, Elijah distracting me from what I'm suppose to be doing like when I was doodling him as Frodo in Math today.. I saw that movie (LOTR) 3 times and I still love it as much as I did the 1st! OOPS! Anyways I bet it would be funny if I got the joke... o_o;

Posted: Saturday, 16 March, 2002 @ 02:10 PM

im mommys little angel not you,and im daddys little angel too so bleh.

Posted: Monday, 25 March, 2002 @ 08:02 AM

knives girl,i mean my sister,what are you talking about,i never said anything about knives having a lumpy but,or maybe i talk in my sleep?oh i have to wake you up now for school,done,and i yelled its past 8 o'clock and you yelled back leave me alone,i'm better than you knives girl.

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