Anne E. Gipple

The Chamber of Secrets
The Chamber of Secrets by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

I was badgered into giving this a mature rating, now that the gore has been colorized. I'm sure you Harry Potter fans out there can stomach a lil titchy bit of blood, and I assure you that you will be rewarded with violently bright colors and lights should you choose to click upon the image. However, some people are offended by the sight of the color red on thumbnail pages, and so no thumbnail for you.

Personally, I dont think seeing a little gushing and airborne blood and venom ever hurt anyone! (Unless... of course.. if the blood is your own.. Ouch, Harry. That's gotta sting.)

I tried a new photoshop technique with this one, I was going for the digitally-colored comic book look. I'm pretty happy with it, but I may need to work on my technique a little. It was surprisingly easy to do tho.

(Sorry for the re-upload. Too many things bugging me. Trying higher image quality.)

Mature (VO)
22y176d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (12)

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Posted: Friday, 04 January, 2002 @ 07:29 AM

You've drawn this scene very well, it'a about the same as the one that played in my mind when I read it! Good Work! (I love Horry Potter!!..books!)

Posted: Friday, 04 January, 2002 @ 06:55 PM

Whoo!! I would like to apoligize on behalf of the powers that be for the nasty, pixel-chunky quality of this image. It looked better than that in Photoshop. Sorry. I dont know if improving the image quality and reuploading would help, and I'm far too lazy for that anyway. (c;

Posted: Friday, 04 January, 2002 @ 08:20 PM

i remember this all to well,but you did a great job on me!!did that ever hurt!!!

Posted: Thursday, 10 January, 2002 @ 02:45 PM

EEEEWWWWW! Gross, it's really good, yuck, pain! heh heh heh.

Posted: Friday, 11 January, 2002 @ 10:53 PM

Harry, you prat! No wonder you were so silent afterwords! Geez.... that looks awefully painful.... bet TOmbo didn't like you too much!

Posted: Friday, 11 January, 2002 @ 11:24 PM

OOOOOookay I'm officially weirded out now...

giggle... he said prat. and Tombo. (c:

Posted: Saturday, 12 January, 2002 @ 04:50 PM

Holy CRAP! That's the most fantastic picture of HP I've seen in a long time! Hey...think you could do a nice one of Lupin the werewolf? ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 12 January, 2002 @ 04:51 PM

Ouch . . . winces Great pic, though, 'tis awesome! I really like the phoenix (whose name escapes me) in the background as well. Keep up the great work!

Posted: Thursday, 17 January, 2002 @ 10:31 PM

gasp I LOVE IT!!! I wish I could Draw that good. awesome! Keep up the good work!

Posted: Saturday, 19 January, 2002 @ 12:21 AM

W007! You rule. I've always wondered how they're going to translate this into the movie.

:D YES. (bookmarks)

my art: www.side7.com/art/daniwill

Posted: Monday, 03 June, 2002 @ 11:59 AM

Sweet! really spiffy! (love that word) specially like the sword.

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 10:53 PM

So today while finishing rereading Book 2 (hey, it's been a while) I remembered that you had an awesome pic of this particular scene. So I wandered on over and took another gander at it. It's everything I remembered and then some. Very well done, m'gel. ^_^ --Cata My art that I wish was as good as yours...

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