Jenny Benjaminson

Fatally wounded Blaze
Fatally wounded Blaze by @Kid (Jenny Benjaminson)

I drew this to show how much damage had been done to Blaze during less then a weeks time. She had been shot at least six times by one "freak" of a child that was hoping for her to kill him. Well he got his wish after shooting her that many times. In her attack against him, he decieded to throw a knife into her as well.

It didn't help that since she is a werewolf that those bullets were silver, plus she has no healing factor. Even when her wounds sealed, they would never really heal. Hence why blood started to pour out from the corners of her mouth, and soaked her bandages over and over again.

And of course, Darick Kid had to come back and try to make her grandson attack her. When HellRaiser wouldn't, Darick had opened fired upon her with exploding silver bullets. Most of which Blaze was able to redirect using her Sword of Dark Raven. But of course, no one was perfect....and the last bullet hit straight into her gut.

It exploded about five seconds after sinking into her flesh. First burning ever so slightly, after it exploding it...the Wave of pain became too much for her. Once again blood flowed from the sides of her mouth.

Finished Work
22y280d ago
Other Work By @Kid

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