@Kid || Profile
Jenny Benjaminson

@Kid (Jenny Benjaminson)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
06 September, 2001
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
06 May, 1980
Kid turned 44 this year.
Minnesota, Unspecified
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My name is Jenny. I am of Native American blood, but what tribe I am of is unknown...Well expect for the Tribe that my Friends and I have founded, NightShade Tribe!

I've been an artist since I can remember. I can draw just about anything. But my favorite things to draw are of my Characters that I've created while roleplaying.

Most of my art work has taken on a comic book style, but I am also able to draw very realistic stuff as well. Sometimes even my artwork reflects the many of visions I have been given by the Great Spirit.

By the way, I sometimes don't answer to my real name, mainly because I also go by other names. Some call me, Vision of Future, while my closer Friends call me, Kid.

The pics below are as the following: First; that is me in my leather jacket, and favorite red t-shirt. Look at my drawing of V.o.F. Kid and you can see why I say she is the way that I see myself. I tend to switch between my black sunglasses and my red shades.

Second: Is my dog; StoneCold, and I chilling in the living room. I got him on dec. 26th, a month and a half after my cat had passed away.

Third; That is how I envision myself in my spirit form. This is how I have been seening my Spirit Form as of the last few months, what caused it to change? I haven't got a clue, expect that my rage seems to be growing. You can also see that most of my characters tend to also look somewhat like this pic as well. I guess that I just can't excape my spirit side.

P.S. Some people even think I'm crazy. But I just think they are just too sane to be around me. Hehe!

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