Collette Mailhot

"Rated E for Everyone..." by @collmail (Collette Mailhot)

This is Shi, a character from a fic I recently found and started reading. I'm not sure if she's an actual angel or not, but she has wings. ^_^

She needs a little work though. I did the shading wrong since I just realized that the highlights are on the opposite side of the light in her eyes... >.< The left wing's shading looks right but I don't know about the right wing. It looks almost the same as the left so I don't know if it's right...? Wow. I just confused myself. XD

Don't ask me what I was doing with the background. I couldn't make the stars look right so I ended up using the line tool for them... It came out okay for being extremely sleep deprived ^_^

So this was drawn, traced with a felt tip pen, and computer colored in Photoshop. ^_^

Finished Work
22y125d ago
Other Work By @collmail

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