Collette Mailhot

Baaaad girl...
Baaaad girl... by @collmail (Collette Mailhot)

You'd think I'd draw something with big red hearts and such for Valentine's day, wouldn't ya? Nope!

That -- points -- would be Felony Heartbreaker, the result of disliking Valentine's Day and was too much time on my hands during study hall. XD She's supposed to be sitting in a car blowing smoke off her gun, but the car door came out kinda funny. :/ Please disregard her deformed hands also XD

I saw the pattern for her dress someplace, and I wanted to see if I could pull it off. ^_^

BTW, I don't know if it's actually s'posed to be rated T, but she has a gun so it could be implied violence? I figured I'd better be safe then sorry.. ^_^

Teen (V)
Finished Work
22y145d ago
Other Work By @collmail

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Friday, 22 February, 2002 @ 11:16 AM

I forgot this... My evil scanner doesn't like colored pencil so that's why it looks so crummy... ^_^

Posted: Monday, 29 April, 2002 @ 12:20 AM

Whoa... You have a very interesting style, Ill! :P I love her face! ROCKEN' GOOD! Keep up the awesome work!

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