Hayley Price

Misc. Wild Forest Beast
Misc. Wild Forest Beast by @catrine (Hayley Price)

THIS is a Saberwolf, one of the hastily put together 'random battle' monsters in my budding comic strip. This one is designed differently than the original - well, obviously, because the original was a sketchy attacking thing drawn on the spur of the moment - but its since been given a species name and now this really nice sketch I did in math, which is far far better than any drawing it will appear as in the comic. Oh well.

Isn't this one cute, though? They attacking travelling heroes, but not normal travelers. The reasons for this are unknown, as they're essentially cannonfodder. It's definately not a survival trait . . . they're lemmings in that respect.

This one looks like he'd make a great pet . . . if only he didn't unexpectedly and suicidally lunge at passing heroes . . .

22y84d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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