Hayley Price

Greebo by @catrine (Hayley Price)

Hmmm. I wonder what Terry Pratchett would think if he knew that there were people out there drawing anime-styled fanart of his characters and uploading them to artist archives?

. . . Well, he'd probably be flattered and think nothing more of it.

ANYWAY! This is Greebo, the battered but thoroughly dominant cat belonging to the witch Nanny Ogg. He was first turned into a human in the book Witches Abroad, in order to terrify some mice and rats turned into footmen and horses by the Fairy Godmother they were fighting.

I FINALLY got my hands of Witches Abroad! That's the LAST Discworld Novel I haven't read!

So, this drawing was done partly in celebration, partly because I need to practice drawing guys, and partly because his description is so . . . so . . . inspiring. I figured I just HAD to give it a shot. Here, judge for yourself:

"Greebo turned slowly, a faint, lazy smile on his scarred face. As a human, his nose was broken and a black eye patch covered his bad eye. But the other one glittered like the sins of angels, and his smile was the downfall of saints. Female ones, anyway."

I didn't even TRY for the broken nose, but I am quite happy with what I can do in pencil . . .

As Nanny Ogg says, He's just a big softy really . . .

22y87d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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