Damon Shizukashi

Whazzat? by @Shizukashi (Damon Shizukashi)

Me and my friends can't decide what it is... So here it goes.. Cat-Dog-Bat-Rat-Dragonish thingy.

And my art teacher is evil. She sees me working on something, no comments. Sees my buddy that sits next to me looking closely at above mentioned picture, seemingly getting ready to work on it... "I like that." "Oh, it's not mine, it's Damon's" blank stare, teacher walks away

This has been a random rant by Drakey. c.c

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Damon Shizukashi

22y82d ago
Other Work By @Shizukashi

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 12 May, 2002 @ 01:56 PM

its a gargoyle!!!! true it is!! i like it! and your art teacher can go jump off a cliff. She must be related to my art teacher.... she did the exact same thing to me. Next time draw a picture of the animal eating her and hand it to your friend. see what she says then lol, only make sure your friend doesnt say YOU did it! heh uh yeah i'm crazy and i dont like art teachers... they dont deserve to be on the school's pay roll since they are lousy teachers.

Posted: Tuesday, 14 May, 2002 @ 01:09 AM

How true. ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 11:29 PM

I know what to call it...an art teacher's worse nightmare.

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