Caitlin Wilt

32 Icons of Aki
32 Icons of Aki by @TheDevilCat (Caitlin Wilt)

This was a Colour and Design project I had to do. Come up with a 1" x 1" two-colour icon and design some grids with it. I mentioned it to Gayle, and she wanted to see it, so here it is.

Those 32 icons were all done by hand, coloured with Prismacolours. Took about 6 hours, 5 sodas, and countless hand-rubs to take care of artist's cramps.

The whole class liked it, though. And I got an "A" for my grade, too!

This project is also where I got my nice new logo from. ^_^

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Caitlin Wilt

Finished Work
21y308d ago
Other Work By @TheDevilCat

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 12:37 PM

Fold your fingers together and press your arms straight outward so your palms face out and lift your arms slowly up above your head. Cures hand, neck and back cramps every time. n_n

O_O WOW. dies 5 sodas and...... wow...... o o clings the pic Looks like it was fun though ^.^ Great job! Of course you got an A on it XD<3 :3 YAY! ^^ Pretty pic! <3 tempted to do one

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2002 @ 02:48 PM

Boo-wah! I like it! It actually reminds me of medieval coats of arms. I can just picture Aki as your heraldic symbol ::laughs::

Definately a lot of work... O.o I do not envy you that. Very good, though! I like it!

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