Plush Girl

4 comet glitter
4 comet glitter by @plush_girl (Plush Girl)

This is gift art for cometglitter, she does some really amazing pictures and I must get teh markers she has. Anyways this is a character of hers a subspecies number 102902, it should have that on its collar but I couldn't fit that on. Anyays hope you like it and sorry its so small flash makes things tiny when I transfer them onto jpg dont no why but its a pain in the back -_-' Artwork © Copyright 2002 Plush Girl

Finished Work
21y224d ago
Other Work By @plush_girl

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 24 December, 2002 @ 06:29 AM

WOW! eyes glaze over This is amazing, you are a wonderful person who deserves lots of candy and presents! I will draw a pic for you...when I have done my art trades.. o_o

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