
Arrgh....uh...Orrrca by @Isolde (Isolde)

Blah, perspective, my weak point...it either looks like a fat or a little child Orca.... arrrrgh....grrr...getsnervousbreakdown...lol I'm okay, j/k! ;-) So, well, another attmept at an avatar for the Caverns of Hope (COH) Forums. This is supposed to be an ancient Orca goddess, kinda from the same time Tikal (BTW, that's a mayan sight/pyramid in ummm Guatemala?) (remember, in Sonic Adv., the Echidna girl) is (and the Aztecs I guess ;-)), but she still lives (she's a goddess ya know ;-)) and is looking weird with her longer fin-thingies and her golden quite celtic "knotwork" on her back g. Normal humans can't see her in this form, they think she's an ordinary Orca (s. the last unicorn ;-))) Still have to think of a name and her abilities, any ideas? Oh, and I finally got ma VMU for my Dreamcast, yay, let's play Ecco and Sonic :-D! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Isolde Scheurer

Finished Work
21y327d ago
Other Work By @Isolde

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 15 September, 2002 @ 07:51 AM

Oh, wow - I love Orcas, and this is a brilliant picture of one! Maybe her fins and fluke are a little bit to trailing, but if she's a goddess - why not?!

Beautiful! And I have to ask you ... you know the highlights you've done on her skin? Well, how did you get it to fade from white to black like that? No one will tell me...

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