Bridgette Berry

Grown*Gaz by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

Based on this image, from Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom. Looks like Gaz inherited the family scythe after all. XD

I wanted to CG this one, but my mom stole the computer from me just as I finished outlining it, so I used prisma color pencils.. which wasn't a good idea, 'cause those pencils don't like sketch book paper. Meh. So that's my excuse for the bad coloring job. Hope ya enjoy otherwise!

Finished Work
21y298d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 12 September, 2002 @ 01:39 AM

I think it looks great, and the background skulls are a nice touch.

Posted: Friday, 13 December, 2002 @ 08:00 PM

I don't think that's what Gaz officially looks like as a woman. Remember in "Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom"? Zim made her look that way in the holo-future of Dib.

Zim: Hmmmm...maybe I should make Gaz beautiful as a woman. After all, I love her in secret...

Looks like Zim's got the HOTS for her! Anyway, cool pic! Keep up the good work!

Posted: Thursday, 02 January, 2003 @ 12:55 PM

Whoo! I agree with Angie's comment! I never realized it though before.

How did you get a good closeup of her? I can barely see her when I watch it!

Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 08:45 AM

::drools uncontrollably:: Oh, I swear...I want that girl so badly sometimes I could just explode. Heh, and to as what she'd look like grown up, I think it's just anybody's guess. Kinda frustrating, tho, that there's no close-ups of her in Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom. cries and drools for what can never be...

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