Matthew Sarginson

The Definative Mtonic...for now maybe --.--;
The Definative Mtonic...for now maybe --.--; by @Max (Matthew Sarginson)

i know i said id figured Mtonic out, but the Vamp hunter thing...no good, need orginality, need uniqueness, if thats even a word, so i reinvented Mtonic From the ground up, so now his middle name is Omegan, his story goes somewhat like this, ahem:

Mtonic is Sonic's half Brother, same mother different father, his father lost a hand in a war, and i drove him mad, in the end he attacked his own son Mtonic and cut off his arm at the tender age of 5, this turned Mtonic into a bitter, loner of a person in later life, who despises his father, he replaced his own left arm with a new robotic model, then Robotnik attacked, and robotized Mtonics limbs in a special way, the arms could be taken off and replaced with different ones, so Mtonic has broken free of Robotnik, and now invents hundreds of different arms for himself, his left arm, the one that was cut off, is reserved for long range weaponry, while his right arm is nomrally taken up by his Hammer Fist attachment, his favourite attachment, a powerful punch that can shatter a swat bot and crush them into scrap with a single slug, Mtonic joined up with and now works for King Acorns Secret Service and is good friends with Jeffery St John, Heavy and Bomb, he has a slight Crush on Hershey, but will never admit it, he is a loner by nature but will always fight in a team for the good of the planet. this picture shows Mtonics new look and some of his gadgets, and how Mtonic's Robot eye changes depending on vision type Artwork © Copyright 2002 Matthew Sarginson

Finished Work
22y68d ago
Other Work By @Max

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Saturday, 27 July, 2002 @ 09:24 AM

its cool! I think you should fuse the three ideas you have for him... I like this and the T-1000 idea you had for him... why not combine the two?

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