Kim Sova

My Enfield
My Enfield by @Teiris (Kim Sova)

This is my version of the enfield. The enfield is on the O'Kelly coat of arms (yes I'm an O'Kelly even tho my name is Sova)cuz long ago, when, it was either Connor or Tiege Mor O'Kelly, was slaughtered in battle, it was said that the enfield rose from the water and guarded his body. He's described as "an enfield vert" but I didn't color it...I dunno if I will... But yea, if I can remember correctly, an enfield has the head of a fox, the chest of an elephant, the claws of an eagle and the body of a lion...I think that's rite..hmm... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Sova

Rough / Concept
21y181d ago
Other Work By @Teiris

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 10 December, 2002 @ 05:52 PM

heeeey..it reminds me of a griffin with a jackals head.... but yeh.im just strange like that... it looks good..^^ u should make urself a crest or sumthin..or maybe color this one..^_~ great line art...ur really good with animals and anthros...no question about it..^^

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