weapon charater sheets: Screw by @Axenblade (Laguna Barr)
I've already done this with Ax ( The last two piccys) I do a character sheet then a big one showing what happened to them in the past and why (Or if) they left their hometown/city/cardboard box. So this is Screw, whose weapon is a large Screwdriver with a sharpend blade at the end, which he uses like as a blade as well as a projectile. Unsurprisingly he's a handy mechanic and computer whizz to boot. He can usually be seen hitting on ladies ( he's a bit of a Casnova wannabe) and stealing parts of machinery from either piles of junk or other peoples verchiles/merchandise XD. His favourite phrase is "I'm gonna screw you good!" XD
Artwork © Copyright 2002 Laguna Barr
Wow cool!! Heehee I like all the expressions.