
Queens of a Nation
Queens of a Nation by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

I decided to upload the inked version before I color it, just in case I totally screw it up. But I am actually proud (no, you didn't misread that, I said proud) of this. It has a background and everything, woo!

So, anyway, this is Tas (holding the worm) and Luuk (holding the staff) the original Irklings, standing in their kingdom of Colddarkdirtia.

Luuk is holding a staff the sisters made themselves, adding the skull of the exiled Irken they killed. It represents their power over the much smaller, and weaker creatures...

Tas is holding a baby worm creature, about to eat it... Those suckers bite hard x_X The plants behind them are made of steel and wires. And, of course, one of the two moons is behind them in the sky =) Idn't it great?... No? Oh, well. Say look! A rock! :D Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lacey Kendra

21y229d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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