
Invader Zim fan-species ^_^'
Invader Zim fan-species ^_^' by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

A sub-species of the Irken that I made for fun... Here's a little (okay, a lot) about 'em:

Name: Irkling. Planet: Colddarkdirtia. Skin color: Dark green or black. Eye color: Red, black, dark blue, or yellow. Eyelash color: Black or blue. Say, what's that string-like thing on it's head?: That's a third antennae. They are always the same color as the Irkling's eyes. They are used for hearing things far, far away and can be turned on or off. Claws?: Just two, one on each middle finger. Life span: 200-250 years (considering they die of natural causes) Gestation period: 3-4 months. Height: Adults 7-9 ft. Smeet 3-5 ft. History: This sub-species of Irken was born aruond 80 years ago, created in a tube as any normal Irken smeet. It, of course, was not intentional. The two female Irklings, identical twins, were given jobs as mechanics. They worked on all sorts of machinery, keeping to themselves (as they prefered). And so, they were unnoticed for 7 long years. Until, finally, their superior called them in one day, reasons unknown. At the sight of their mutation, he immediately reported them to the Tallest. The Tallest, distressed and concerned for the safety of their people (and them), ordered one of their gaurds to drug them and send them to another planet. The planet, Colddarkdirtia (obviously named by Irkens) was basically a planet of dirt. The planet had no sun, just two moons, and is therefore very dark. It was a vast planet, with thick jungles. The plants, made of wires, steel, and plastic, were wild, and would attack if they got the chance. The young Irklings, Luuk and Tas, had to build shelter with what little recourses they had. They lived on small reptilians and large, worm-like creatures. At the age of 30 the Irklings were tired of their dismal life, and were going stir crazy in their tiny shack they called home. And so, they ventured across the planet, through tangled forests and over mountains of rock hard dirt. Eventually, after miles and miles of travel, they came across four Irkens, also exiled from Irk.(And here's where it gets disturbing, folks:) Overcome with rage they attacked them. They killed one and caused serious injury to the others, before Luuk got an idea. She explained her idea to Tas, whom agreed. They held the Irkens prisoner, taking them back to the Irklings' home. Back home, they mated with both males, in an attempt to create more beings like them. Within fifty years they had thirty children each, along with ten grandchildren (nine of their sons mated with the only female out of the three prisoner Irkens.) And recently, their children they sent to keep constant observation over the planet have been finding more and more exiled Irkens... the Irkling species will survive.

oOoo!Creepy!... or something... well, this was certainly long enough, eh? I think so. I'ma go now... Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lacey Kendra

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y230d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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