Li Chi Son

Revamping #2:  Heck, if I revamped her brother, why not revamp her?
Revamping #2: Heck, if I revamped her brother, why not revamp her? by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

She looks like a pimp -_-. Somehting new! I drew....LIPS! Looks a bit high but oh well.

Orignal design came from Piccollo. I still don't understand why she has to only wear two straps that barely cover her chest much less anything else. -_-....sigh...men.

I find her chest is over big (maybe a size E??) so it makes the rest of her body look weird -_-. But that was his original intention so I don't wish to destroy his idea. cough slut...

smiles Ah well, I might never use her in the rp so shrughs she was great as a "villian" with her massive spaceships of doom :P (Piccollo, you big ass Star Trekkie fan)

She has cat eyes. Why? Cause her "dad" was part of a cat race. I think he was a tiger or something. So she has cat blood in her, same as Saitoh but I don't emphasis that too much.

I miss those old rps where the plot just stretched to oblivion. It just went on and on with no special function and it got so confusing but fun. Saitoh was: Picollo, Piccollo, Saitoh Hajime, Demon Saitoh(or was it Dark Saitoh), some tiger Saitoh, Ninja(or samerai) Saitoh.....@_@....and the list just goes on...

Note: Nebula is (married?) to Saiyan...and had a kid Merian....HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN!!! Nebula: evil b!tch + slut and a half. Saiyan: sweet man with a child like innocence in his own way.

HOW THE!?!?!?!? I will never understand...like how I will never understand how Ryogu and Balrice are together and had Reese!!! O_O AHHH!!! Reese is too cute to be Ryogu's (((slut >< ))) kid!


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y231d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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