Krystina Haggerty

Keleste by @tigrin (Krystina Haggerty)

Quote my post at Lilymud.. "This is just a halfling character of mine I've had for awhile. o_X I think I roleplayed her here once, but I've never drawn her before 'cause.. I can't. XD coughs She's not a guy, she just dresses like one.. which is why she's wearing breeches, for whatever reason. I think it looks cute. ;D Her name is Keleste Brown. Horrible name for a hobbit, but there's logic to it. The first name I got from a fantasy generator (I wanted to give her something odd and starting with a K), and the last name I found through browsing hobbit surnames when registering my hobbit at a MUCK.. I wanted her to be a part of some smaller family group, not something big like Brandybuck or Took or Baggins or somethin'.

The pose is wacked. I tried it and I almost fell over twice. I seem to have drawn her legs too small or something, or her arm too long.. beats me, if I knew I'd fix it. I'm working on it right now, actually. nn; I just didn't want to have to redraw it.. so if it doesn't work out, I won't post it, and at least I'll have the version before I ruined it. Yay.

Shutting up."

SpiritWolf thinks her leg is too short, and I agree.. tried to fix her knee and bring it down more, but.. oh well. :D Artwork © Copyright 2002 Krystina Haggerty

Finished Work
21y322d ago
Other Work By @tigrin

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