Krystina Haggerty

Cross My Heart
Cross My Heart by @tigrin (Krystina Haggerty)
Quote Lilymud post: "Anywho. Drew this last night while watching LotR... took me about two hours to draw it. Damn my perfectionisms. Murr, not much to say... it's a fanart of a LotR fanfiction I was reading, when 16-year-old Frodo meets 4-year-old Sam and they become friends.. the particular scene I illustrated is when they're hiding under an overhang trying to get away from a storm, and Sam has broken his ankle.. Frodo's trying to make him feel better by singing him a lullaby. ;D

The pose on this is as wacked as the last one... I finally just gave up on the legs after redrawing them numerous times. And I think Sam is too small for 4. Oh well.

runs off and hides grr i suk"

Oh yeah, the fanfic is called "One of These Days" and is written by Athena... look it up at ff.net sometime, if you're interested, it's a great fic. :) loves it Artwork © Copyright 2002 Krystina Haggerty

Finished Work
21y322d ago
Other Work By @tigrin

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Monday, 16 September, 2002 @ 04:04 PM

wow, this is so sweet. i think sam looks fine that size!

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