EvolovE 1313

Die Avril Die.
Die Avril Die. by @evol1313 (EvolovE 1313)


I... HATE... Avril Lavigne. Possibly more than I hate Britney Spears. Thanks to this... "poseur"... I can't wear any of my armwarmers or ties and etc... B'cuz it would be considered very "poserish" due to the fact that SHE wears them. Evo is mad. I hope you choke on your Thanksgiving turkey, Avril.

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
21y308d ago
Other Work By @evol1313

Comments & Critiques (15)

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Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 11:42 AM

w00t!i totally agree wif dis!if i ever meet her i'm gonna stuff her arm warmers up her nose...

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 12:21 PM

WEll, that is sort of a shallow reason to hate someone. Just because of the way they look. I don't think you should hate her, but all the little possers that copy her. is it really HER fault that abunch of lifeless twinks parade around like her?

On a total second thought I do sort of agree only because I don't really think she;s that great-I don't get what's the big deal about her.

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 01:01 PM

Awesome picture, but you said that you hoped that she "choked on her Thanksgiving turkey". She's Canadian silly!! No Thanksgiving turkey for her! HA HA HA HA!

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 01:09 PM

Wha'?! We don't have Thanksgiving in Canada?! O.o;; And all this time my parents were acting as if we truly DID have that holiday! cries LIARS!!! runs home

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 03:58 PM

Um. Is that supposed to be funny?

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 05:30 PM

Um... to me it is. HAHAHA! See?

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 07:56 PM

Hey Evolve! I didnt know you had a livejournal?! I found this post on the anti_avril community. I'm not sure if you remember me or not..im from Bara-chan's oekaki...anyway..just wanted to say that this is a wicked pic and i totally agree with you about the clothing thing...I cant wear ANY of my clothes now...lol. Keep up the cool stuff ^.^

Posted: Sunday, 01 September, 2002 @ 12:18 PM

^__^!!!!! this is a GREAT picture! i cannot STAND avril! gah! i mean, fine if she LOOKS punk, but um....listen to her music. it's pop. gross gross gross. so what the heck is she doing acting like a badass?

anway, cool picture :)

Posted: Wednesday, 11 September, 2002 @ 10:52 AM

I..hate...AVRIL!!!! She's trying to be so punk, she's even wearing pants that show off her boxers! That's just not something I want to see! And now, because of her, all the prissy little prep people at my school are wearing neck-ties. And her music does sound POP! Worse, "Complicated" sounds like Country pop!!! ::shakes her head:: I, however, do like this picture, this picture is the sh*t. (otherwords, it's awesome). Keep up the good work! ::Gives thumbs up::

Posted: Thursday, 12 September, 2002 @ 12:01 PM

Nice picture there. ^_^ But Why do you really care if its "poserish?" Are you really that concered with what other people think about you? Its just clothes, people wear what they want, all this "punk, raver, prep, goth" or whatever shit is really uncalled for. If I want to wear "raver" bracelets with my "goth" shirt, who cares? I sure dont. People are just themselves, they arent categori es.

Posted: Tuesday, 01 October, 2002 @ 05:06 PM

this is probably the greatest picture ever...indeed...:D

Posted: Friday, 25 October, 2002 @ 10:47 AM

Ah, this is refreashing! Who likes Avril? Noone with half a brain as far as I can see! ^_0 GREAT PIC. heh.


Posted: Saturday, 07 December, 2002 @ 09:27 AM

YAY! i hate Avril! and that sk8ter boi song just gets stuck in my head.. One of my friends said i looked like Avril with darkwre hair ! eep! save meee! Great drawing love it to peices ! die Avril die!!!

Posted: Sunday, 09 February, 2003 @ 06:38 PM

whoo that pritty funny...cough cough, does anyone really have to be reminded that shes a fad and shes only got her 15 minutes in the spot light, SO CALM DOWN! if you dont like it dont listen, onestly complaining about it doesnt do anything besides showing you got nothing better to do, in less any of you think you can do better...

Posted: Tuesday, 15 April, 2003 @ 10:35 AM

Oh gawd. Here we go again.. --() Woo, look at AAAALLLL the hater people banding together to hate Avril. Boo hoo. o.o; Don't bloody listen to her then, if you don't like her. Gawd. --; Anyway. Congrats on everyone wasting those tiny moments of their lives, hating someone. Let's see if any of you can do any better when it comes right down to it - can any of YOU get as far as she has.. ? Obviously shes doing something right. o.o Or maybe your all just preps. Big, lameass preps who judge people on looks.

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