Plush Girl

birth of the earth unicorns
birth of the earth unicorns by @plush_girl (Plush Girl)

Ok if you want to hear my sad story I made up actually its not a story its more of an inspiration I had and I have drawnd the strange thourghts that came into my head. On Monday I went to the most calming peaceful place ever, but I'm not telling you were it is hehe ;)

ok well read on if you wanna know about this pic and the other ones I'm gonna upload. Oh yea their anthro unicorns just incase you wondered why it had hands and walked on its hind feet only ^^

The birth of an earth unicorn is a rare thing there are not many. These particular unicorns are born from an endangered flower called the crocasour lily. It is looked after by the plants that live in this beautiful land, unfortunatly this perfect world its not that big infact its about the size of the millenium dome. The unicorns can not go out of this land. They are looked after by the plants. These plants are the ones who do not let them leave, they need the unicorns to live, the unicorns are powerful beings and the plants need that energy around them to survive. Most of the unicorns enjoy this perfect life but there is always one who wants to know what is going on outside... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Plush Girl

Rough / Concept
21y284d ago
Other Work By @plush_girl

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Monday, 16 December, 2002 @ 02:32 PM

Beautiful story, and picture...^^

Can I colour this picture...

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