Thea Critza

Protect one another at all costs
Protect one another at all costs by @theacrit (Thea Critza)

Note - I just uploaded this and looked at it, and the quality is crap. I'll send you the png version of you email me...cough waits fine, i'll just go hide in my little corner...

Heh, I have decided that that way of formatting my comments does NOT work on Side7 XD. So I will do them like this from now on.

The mediums I used were - a regular, plain old #2 pencil, a Micron pen with a size of 01, and my handy dandy old Jasc Paintshop Pro v. 7.4.

I do like the way this came out, for once...I saved it as a png so the colors wouldn't get squished together, but then I let S7 turn it into a jpg...I've never done this before so I'm not sure how it'll turn out. crosses fingers Also, I think the eye-less-ness came out pretty good for me...my last eye-less picture (which is posted on MM) really suckd XD.

I drew this right after watching episode 33 yesterday, because it INSPIRED me! Yay. It was so sad! sniffle sniffle If you haven't watched it, go watch it right now! Poor Kagome, her worst nightmare is having Inuyasha and Kikyo together...but she won't have to worry, will she now? Because Kikyo is dead, and that's not Kikyo, it's an evil zombie person who just happens to look exactly like Kikyo and talk exactly like Kikyo and be exactly like Kikyo except for how she's NOT Kikyo! lol. I also thought the Shippo part was cute...his worst nightmare is having all of his friends leave him. (and just leave their clothes? O___o) Isn't that sweet? Nobody appreciated Shippo. Speaking of Shippo, I haven't really "claimed" him, because I decided that eventually Thea and Mandi should go back to their own dimension and Thea can marry the reincarnation of Shippo XD. And Shippo can marry that little Kirara girl from episode 91. Or maybe Lys XD. If you can't read the words because jpg's are evil (and also because I was stupid to use such a hard-to-read font), they say: In these times of war and hardship, those who fight for justice must work together to protect one another at all costs. Stand by eachother through thick and thin. And never, ever give up. Inuyasha & Kagome

Thea is listening to: Just like a Pill by Pink To the middle of nowhere, to the middle of my frustrated fears Thea is working on: typing this! Because...she feels like it?

Finished Work
21y151d ago
Other Work By @theacrit

Comments & Critiques (7)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 01 February, 2003 @ 01:03 PM

Wow! This is beautiful. I love Kagome and InuYasha together. Very nice.

Posted: Tuesday, 04 February, 2003 @ 02:05 PM

Aww, you'll let me have Shippo? That's so nice ... ^ˆ^ Or ... Kirara-girl? I NEED TO SEE THIS PERSON!!! Souten was cute too ... anyway, the pic! It's very nice-you did super on the eyelessness!! And I'd love to see the better version if it's not too much trouble to send! (e-mail: lyschan@attbi.com) Awesome job on clothing folds and such, ... I like Kagome's socks! Boo-hoo, I forgot to tape yesterday's/this morning's ep ... sob NICE JOB!! Now bel rings for Lys to go home ... is happy

Posted: Monday, 10 February, 2003 @ 10:42 PM

GAHHH!!! I LOVE IT TO DEATH! ... Of course that just might be the TIOFG (True Inuyasha Obsessing Fan Girl) Talking...either way It's great...I would you for you to send it to me e-mail wise pleading puppy-doggy look (email: Catlina_13@hotmail.com)

I have a habit of loving your work...I think That was a compleiment ...BE HAPPY! Ahem... I just love your work anyways... taht and your desriptions...fun to read n.n...Yes I'm rambling...leave the lil freaky child alone...

Ok then...


runs off and hides in a corner til Side7 excepts new members...namely her... I WANNA POST ART!...ahem...>_>;

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 12:41 PM

Oh! More Inu yasha art yay! :)

You are such a talented artist, I love this picture.. it really signifies the meaning between them two, that unspoken love..

Posted: Sunday, 01 June, 2003 @ 05:34 PM

I have but one word to say...AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE!!!!

this is one of the best drawings I have EVER seen...especially of Inuyasha (he looks easy to draw, but that's an under statement--he is really hard whimper)...it takes a lot of time and a lot of talent to catch inuyasha's personality on a peice of paper...especially if it includes kagome...and you did it all perfectly. I LOVE IT. they look so cute together-stupid kikyo.

Posted: Monday, 15 September, 2003 @ 05:55 PM

Absolutely priceless! The fact that their eyes are hidden by their bangs both depicts and conceals alot of the emotion that they are sharing. The text is a little difficult to read, but I managed. The lighting and shading of this piece is flawless, and the stretching and folding in the fabrics of their clothing is also accurately depicted. Your use of color breathes life into the image without going overboard. An astounding piece of work! Kudos to you!

Posted: Saturday, 04 October, 2003 @ 03:38 AM

So sweet! I wants it...May I steal? Perleaze? lol.

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