Anne E. Gipple

On the cover of Rolling Stone
On the cover of Rolling Stone by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

I am such a psycho. (c: I have an ambitious imagination, okay?

Llilith, mostly nude on the cover of the trashiest magazine in the music industry. (c; Yay for that.

I wish my hair behaved like that. Actually, it would if it were that long. And if I used a lot of conditioner and mousse.

2010... what will the world be like so far in the future? 9 whole years.

Fun with flash, photoshop, bryce, and run-on sentences.

If anyone can identify the painting this was modeled from, I'll give you a biscuit of radioactive llama chow.

Savage Garden , No Doubt and Eminem © their respective selves.

Teen (NO)
22y235d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 31 October, 2001 @ 04:43 PM

It's either The Birth of Venus or the Statue of Liberty ;) I don't think I have to tell you how much this kicks booty.

Posted: Wednesday, 31 October, 2001 @ 07:05 PM

WOW!!! This pic is SO good... You really have a good handle on computer effects, unlike moi... erf. Awesome ^^

-- Ratty http://www.side7.com/art/stepratt/

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