AV Salois

Piccy Trade: Joel Mendoza
Piccy Trade: Joel Mendoza by @avsalo (AV Salois)

A'ight folks. I'll be the first to admit that the concept of well-drawn hair escapes me, but this is just ridiculous! Jess Ratte's character, Joel Mendoza, has his hair in dreadlocks, and I'm afraid I butchered the image! I made a valiant attempt to draw the little hottie, but I'm afraid he's not really a hottie anymore, lol! His face is supposed to be a bit 'chubbier', but every time I tried to do it a bit fuller, he came out looking like he'd gone way too heavy on the donuts, thus I gave up on that idea. And since I did it only in pencil, you can't tell what colour his hair is, but it's supposed to be darkish blonde at the roots and then gets more of a tucsan red colour as it goes down - so imagine it! :) Ummm, what else, what else? He's a tattoo artist, so that's cool. If you wanna see a better pic of him, visit Jess Ratte's gallery, or go to this URL, http://www.side7.com/cgi-bin/S7SDB/DisplayImg.pl?INO=2960

22y215d ago
Other Work By @avsalo

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 29 December, 2001 @ 11:30 PM

Okay, yeah, sure... he's cute, I suppose, but he falls VERY short when compared to Hunter! Ha! :P He has the more 'I'm a bad boy' type look, whereas Hunter has the 'I'm hot beyond belief' look going on. Nah, J/J, this is good though!

Posted: Saturday, 29 December, 2001 @ 11:33 PM

Oooh, sorry to make another comment, but I just noticed he has Joel's name! So, um, that automatically makes him a dork, cuz my cousin's a dork! :D

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