Lisa Williams

It's Asher!
It's Asher! by @PsychoGirl (Lisa Williams)

I can't believe I'm putting up one of my main characters from Role Play up here. o.O;;; Well folks, this here is Asher, from Pokemon Role Play... He's a 17 year old Rocket (TR member) Redhead who can be a complete jerk sometimes but is overall a good guy who's very misunderstoond and bitter because of that. ^^;; He believes he has no goodness in him what-so-ever... and the VERY select few people who he consideres his friends will see that once they get to know him he's a very different person. ^^ To most other people, he is a bitter, cold hearted scarcastic jerk who never lets anyone get neart him.... but those who get to know him really well will see just how protecitve and sensitive he realy is and they will see that he has a heart of gold, regardless of weather he knows it or not. ^^ In this piccy, I tried to capture both sides of him- where he looks like he's plotting something but if you look carefully, it also looks like he's watching after someone.... ^^ So.. That's Asher. ^_^

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lisa Williams

Finished Work
21y118d ago
Other Work By @PsychoGirl

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