@PsychoGirl || Profile
Lisa Williams

@PsychoGirl (Lisa Williams)
Last Seen:
It's been a while...
03 August, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
18 May, 1985
PsychoGirl turned 39 this year.
California, Unspecified
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Wow, I've REALLY needed to update this thing!

Wow, I can't believe just how fast one whole year can pass a person by! It seems like only yesterday when I was a 17 year old about to start my Senio Year and I was busting my butt to get onto this site! And, after 114 or was it 118 uploads, I'm proud of my years worth of work on here. Sadly though, freebom of speech doesn't seem to exist to us artist veterans on Side7, now does it? That is why I cannot upload anymore- to put it point blankly, I'm broke. Whatever money I have, my college campus eats it, and since California LOVES to attack it's own people, I have to pay extra for each unit than what I have already payed... muttermutter


I'm amazed to see how much things can change and how much they can stay the same over the course of one year.

Not too long ago, I was a Senior in high school, only 17 and starting a club on campus about anime. For those who read my profile before this update, you'll remember me as that 17 year old senior who dreamed of being a great artist no matter what, looked foreward to prom, loved her friends to death and couldn't wait untill her finest hour when she ascends the steps at her graduation to take her diploma jacket and shake the principal's hand.

All that has been aid and done, so I can literally say I've been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt. ^_^

Whats changed is this: I'm now a Freshman in college, and a serious art student. Not only that, but I am PROUD to tell people that I am a Christian and just this summer I was finally Baptised! If graduation wasn't my finest hour, my Baptism was. Now that I'm 18, I did exactly what I've been wanting to do when I accepted Christ when I was 16... My father said he wouldn't let me be baptosed untill I was 18 and able to make my own decisions and.... I feel in my heart I made the right choice. I've dealt with my famiy's taunts for my faith, I even know people who walked out on me for "going Fundie" on them. And it has hurt, but here's some words to the wise: Never be afraid to be yourself. I'm not, and part of being myself now is being Christian and being proud of it. ^_^ I've learned who my friends are.

But as for what hasn't changed? My name is Lisa and I still love my friends my art, and anything else there is to appriciate. I've seen more than my fair share of hell, been through enough of my share of opression and through each battle I've come out strong. What more can be said?

Oh, and if you're wondering who PsychoGirl is, she's a character of mine! =D In the series I'm writing, "The Amazing Adventures of PsychoGirl and The Traveler", or, "PsychoGirl" for short, PsychoGirl and her best friend, The Traveler, are two spunky superheros who manage to both make fun of pop-culture AND save the world at the same time. Very fun read, very fun to write about. =D

As far as my art goes, I'll gladly do comissions, Art Trades and/or Requests! Only, if I'm slow, please bare in mind that I'm in college and I'm a busy person.... :/ But I still get things done!

I LOVE comments! If you have something to say, don't hesitate to say it, I respond to ALL comments! ^^ And because Side7 has new "regulations" where you have to wait WEEKS to become a member in order to comment art, all you have to do if you see something you like and wanna comment me on it is E-mail me and that will be equally great. ^^


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