
Day at the Tree
Day at the Tree by @besonik (Mike)

I got the idea from an old tree I used to play in as a child. This tree was a lot bigger than any other tree on my parent's property, and my mother told me when I was young this was because it was planted on the grave of a sheep they had had.

So what's happening here is she is talking to her passes away family though the tree, and as payment the tree is feeding on some of her blood. However this 'payment' also created the pathway for communication with the dead.

The apple is sort of my own play on the apple tree from the bible, opening your eyes to enlightnment sort of thing (I'm not religious and it's not ment to be offensive.. just clearing that up).

And the kite, because your gonna die eventually anyway so may as well not get caught up on the 'what happens next' but instead enjoy your time here.

Teen (NV)
Finished Work
13y85d ago
Other Work By @besonik

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Saturday, 26 March, 2011 @ 05:26 PM
Rating: 5

Nice representations there. I like it. :) The big ears are so cute.

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