Plush Girl

Sand cat
Sand cat by @plush_girl (Plush Girl)

This took about 4 hours solid on paint shop pro7 twitches my hand has gone cold and I cant barely move it.

This image has about 5 layers too it, the waterfall, the stones, the grass, the log, and the sand cat. Ok so sand cats live in the desert but hey it wouldn't be very colourful if it were the desert. I haven't actually finished this yet. I'm gonna do some nice flowers on it as well, and maybe some hanging vines infront of the cat thing.

I'm also gonna use these markings for my new character so dont take them or I will bite your head off. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Plush Girl

21y116d ago
Other Work By @plush_girl

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 09 April, 2003 @ 03:56 PM

oik cute! like the markings! mwa ha ha! im gonna steel them! he he he! dont worry im just mad. i wont really. at least... i dont think so...

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