9.9; I know, about the sink. But I didn't realize until after I put it up this morning. .__.; Ah well. I HAD to put Mr. Draggy in this. XD Simply because Turchino always seems to have him, in pics. And Viva...does look like a stereotypical Irishman. Only without the green eyes. u.u;
Watching the Master by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
My birthday pic for my Vivaldi headvoice! ^-^ He is...uhh...9.9...327 today, March 4. u.u; This is him in his AU collarless OMG incarnation, composing in the kitchen/dining room of his family's apartment in the rectory while his lil' one Turchino watches. With Mr. Draggy. 8D Lynne knows of Mr. Draggy and his powers, oh yes she does. Anyways, Happy Birthday, Antonio!
PINK TIGER-TRON! XD .... I still think it's so funny that in pictures Turchino always has Mr. Draggy and yet he doesn't actually have any such thing... oh geez this is so CUTE, though. ;.; I love Viva's fuzzy sweater. HE looks like a leprechaun too!! Especially with the red hair and devious expression. u.u And Turchino looks just like a mini-Vives X'D .... THEY HAVE SUCH PRETTY HAIR ^_^ clings to them
Ooh I have one critique, though. u.u I love the background except that the sink is reaaaally distracting. Other than that ish SO PRETTY ^_^ .. and GREEN! .... LEPRECHAUNS!!!!!!!! XD!!