Bueeno.....este dibujo tomó otro tipo de trabajito...... sobre todo por la falta de tiempo...... por el traje es Kinnich Ahau..... Astaroth utiliza traje negro y la mano izquierda siempre está untada de sangre
The Twisted Lines of God by @Astaroth (Mikhail Dunkelheit)
Ahh..... life is short...... Destiny is tenebrous and the end......the end....the end....
Comments & Critiques (11)
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Very nice ^^ The characters look really well drawn, just one thing, since the male character is hanging upside down, his hair should do the same, as not to make it seem like it is glued to his face. The costumes are very well detailed, and the anatomy is pretty good, perhaps the girl's neck could be a bit shorter, it looks too long. Overall, great job! Keep on drawin!
One thing I would improve on is the size of her head. Compared to his head and the width of her shoulders, her head looks a bit small. It can easily be fixed in Photoshop or some other editing applications.
The other thing I would do is to put something in the upper right hand corner to balance out the patch of green in the lower left hand corner. Perhaps something of a contrasting color such as pink or red.
Other than that, your choice of colors is nice. Stylized and not too complicated.
HEY!!! MÁS DIBUS!!!! ME gusta mucho este también!!!!! Me encanta la forma en la que haces las sombras de los cristales de los trajes de ella..... Además los trajes en sí son muy bonitos!!!!!!! Podrías hacerte diseñador!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Por otro lado creo que el cuerpo de ella está un poco desproporcionado con respecto a su cabeza.... A parte de eso.... me sigue pareciendo un dibujo fantástico!!!!!!!!! Saludos de nuevo desde las Islas Canarias!
ya lo terminaste?! te quedo regio!! guau! a la proxima, ponle las pupilas a Mikhail...o es que en que estado esta Mikhail...acaso es Astaroth?