"Grab my hand!"~ When Cat meets Dog, old screenie. by @Shazi (Sharon M)
I painted the whole of this. No, it's not another poster but a handmade screenshot I made before I resorted to the full use of my reliable computer. This must be the forth screenshot I made for my other fiction which needs to be finished 'When Cat meets Dog'. It looks like Danni's gotten herself into a spot of trouble again. This occurs shortly after she and Sarnie fall off this cliff edge during a fight (see my last WCMD pic), of course certain events test these two as temporary partners in order for them to save Coco. I've now re-started my story despite the fact it'll take ages to complete, and it's on my fanfiction.net section. I'll have to give you all the link later cause this comp doesn't seem to work on the fanfiction.net site. Pooh!
Ooooh, all these old pictures are brining back my urgings to finish my fiction off once and for all. But the time, the tiiiiiiime! Artwork (c) to Sharon M. Danni is (c) to me, uh, Sharon M. Sarnie is (c) to Cherie F. The tiiiiiime!
Hiya Lioness! Yeah, that screenie is real old. But I loved doing it. Thank you. Oh, and good luck with your dance exam by the way. I'm sure you'll do fine. I wish I could say the same for me considering the mental state I've been putting myself through though.