XD; Scene from a recent dream I had...in which I had to save the world, basically by proving to this Irken ambassador-ish guy, Kelt, that it was a worthy place for Tallest Miyuki to use as a vacation planet. 9.9; I don't have time to go into details now, suffice to say that I have a new headvoice now, bringing my total to 16. Gah!
Anywho, I felt the need to draw something from that dream, and Lynne encouraged me to do so, so...here ye see! u.u Background is at the Delaware River, in Burlington... Oh and, kudos to anyone who can read the sign Kelt's little short and as of right now nameless (since I never asked yet o.o;;) lackeys are teasing him with. =B It's so not true. But it's a running gag with those two. 9.9; Oh and, the reason why I picked this part to draw is that it illustrates best I think, what I wrote in my DJ about Kelt...and how he's a cross between my Zim and Lynne's Maroon--interested in alien culture, but still having that Irken superiority complex. u.u
He's a dork. Thank you and goodnight.
MOST EXCELLENT! Please, let the gawds of commerce allow the Irkin menace and his robot sidekick back on our video surveillers... please. Nope... didn't work. Darn. Great homage' though. Had those dreams.