Leira Cougar

Ariel and Rain
Ariel and Rain by @Nikol (Leira Cougar)

My little sister likes to visit www.animatedheroines.com all the time. So while helping her out one day, I noticed the fanart contest and had to enter! This is Ariel from The Little Mermaid (my favorite animated heroine) riding Rain. If I win I will request a page for Rain (haven't seen the movie yet, but I love the way she's drawn. Colored with psp (still trying to get the hang of it).

Finished Work
19y278d ago
Other Work By @Nikol

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 13 September, 2004 @ 08:38 AM

Wow! You dont she much art this good on side7! The running pose looks really natural, and the expresson on her face looks almost like someone from Disney drew it. Did she always wear that as a human, or is that something you added? Either way, it looks awsome!

Bad stuffs now, I hate this part. Well, it's a little out of proportian, as Rain's head should be three times the size of her head. And Ariel's pose is a little stiff. But that's all I can see.

And I love what you want to do with it. I'm gonna go on that site after school and check it out.

Posted: Monday, 13 September, 2004 @ 08:48 AM

Aw, thank you so much! I made up the outfit myself, but it sorta plays off the blue dress she wore in the movie.

Yeah, I sorta already knew about those problems sigh I figured they weren't major enough to worry with, but I suppose if I really want to make an awesome picture I'll have to be more patient and tackle the details.

Anyway, thank you very much for commenting! hugs

Posted: Monday, 13 September, 2004 @ 04:54 PM

Nicely drawn. You got the Disney style down pat. I also like the movement in this picture. Some shading and even a simple background would really bring this picture to life. Ariel's hands are a little small, and perhaps her arms a little thin, too, but that's not very noticeable. What is noticeable, though, is that you drew her body too far down on Rain's back. Remember that when someone is sitting on a horse, the pelvis is resting on the horse with the legs extending down to either side. Here, Ariel seems not to have any pelvis and her legs are split at the waist. It's a minor issue, though. The picture's well drawn otherwise, particularly her face and hair. Keep it up.

Posted: Monday, 13 September, 2004 @ 06:23 PM

Yeah, I was so concerned with making sure she didn't float that I smashed her into Rain's back!

I tried shading, but couldn't find a way that worked (I'm definitely going to keep trying, with this or other pictures, since I know a lot of methods because of dolling. I've just never applied it to scanned images before.) I was also thinking about a background, but I wanted to make sure I went ahead and sent it in before the contest ended. So I might still do that, too.

Anyway, thank you so much for your advice!

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