^_^ Well good to see ya again! How's life? Peachy, I do hope!
I'm getting proud of my pictures lately- did you know inking is quite fun? The characters, lately, have been modled after the anime style used by Minekura (he does a fast becoming well known anime called Saiyuki) I got hooked on it, and wanted to learn it...aaaand here it is. ^_^ My dear vampire finally has a face I want to stick with.
You're right about his hand and the elbow- the thing with hands is...I can't draw them. heh- this is actually better than most that I've done, and of course after going over the pencil with ink, I realize the space shouldn't be so wide...-.- ah well, I still like it...
As for his elbow, I think that's due to the fact I was drawing something going off of the bottom of the page. Though...you should see the Saiyuki characters (they borderline anorexic, really) so maybe a thin elbow is not much to worry about :P
Thanks for visiting! Come back soon! ^_^
Hewy, whats up. Its beenlong tiome since I commented on your gallery, but you have some really good pictures. I like this picture alot, its very good. The charecters look pretty cool and you outlined it really well. The only problem i can see is that the space between his middle and ring finger is a little big, and his elbow is a little small. But this is still a really good picture, I hope you color it soon :)