
Commander's strongest soldier
Commander's strongest soldier by @marven4lyf

"Richard" is the strongest soldier in the entire pigmask army. He loves his Commander and always behaves himself and is loyal to Master Porky and does NOT need another visit to the Nice Person Hot Spring ^w^<3 

Definitely not just an amnesiac version of my OC who got kidnapped from his own world to be in the world of my favorite game, naaah... I actually did have a little story (if you can call it that) planned for him but not many drawings exist for it and its mostly just an idea. The main idea was Richard getting into funny situations with his squad (which also happen to be fanboys of their super cool and not dead commander) While trying to remember who he is and what his goal is. Who is he and what is his goal? I dont feel like sharing that yet.

Mother 3 © 2006 Nintendo/Brownie Brown and HAL Laboratory/Shigesato Itoi

Teen (V)
Finished Work
31d20h ago
Other Work By @marven4lyf

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