
September 25th, 2024



The Tooniverse



The scene opens to Terry’s apartment and the man announces on Birdie that he’s going to change the design of Minister as he believes that the character’s design makes him look self-absorbed, three Trauma Jester fans (Mark, Dobson and Velma) are upset about Terry’s decision and then we learn that both him and Rose are going to go to Rhonda’s funeral. The three fans try thinking of a way to get back at Terry and Rose for what they’ve done (despite their actions being small) and then they get approached by a fan named Zeke, the three fans also learn that Zeke is an aspiring engineer and the man tells the three fans how they can get back at Terry and Rose. Terry and Rose make it to the funeral and they see that Rupert and the Alternate Delta Force are all in attendance, Rupert then tearfully asks everyone how people can let a fandom become their way of life and everyone promptly forms a group hug as Fluttershy reminds Rupert that his grandmother is in a better place. The scene cuts to a house and we see Dobson (along with Velma and Mark) putting some sewing needles into cookie batter; the fans are going to hurt Terry by giving him cookies that have sewing needles in them.



The three fans watch Zeke contruct a letter bomb that’s rigged with several syringes that will launch through a spring mechanism when opened, we also learn that the aforementioned engineer has created some makeshift battle suits for himself and the other fans in case the Delta Force gets in their way. We see that the cookies and letter bomb are ready and Zeke tasks two of the fans (Dobson and Velma) with putting the cookies and letter bomb at the doorsteps of Rose and Terry’s apartments, Velma and Dobson place the cookies and letter bomb at the respective doorsteps and then they see Terry and Rose come back from the funeral. Terry sees the cookies and he assumes that one of his fans must’ve delivered them to him, Terry then eats one of the cookies and afterwards he falls to the ground after feeling a sharp pain in his stomach. Rose opens the letter box and several syringes get launched in her face, Terry and Rose then get rushed to the hospital and the four fans are elated by the news. Zeke shows off the four battle suits that he made for everyone and as they all put the suits on Zeke declares that they are ready for the Delta Force, the four fans then proceed to go to the hospital so they can kill Terry and Rose.

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