XD; Yeah, long haired guys are so cool. I figger his hair would HAVE to be long when down to be able to form into that big of a spike. u.u;
Lack of Haircare Products by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
^.^ Inspired by a recent conversation with Lynne about rain and how it messes up certain of my headvoices' hair. 6.6 I told her that Dib didn't like rain because it washes out his hair gel, and she seemed surprised that Dib uses hair gel, despite the fact that there is no other humanly possible way that his hair could be spiked that way without some sort of product in it. XD;; So anyway. Dib's miffed at me, but...this is him after the hair gel runs out.
Comments & Critiques (5)
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Bast, you've always thought that Aubs is hot!! XD Don't you remember when I used to bring in chat and you'd all swoon over him and call him AWWWWWWWBRI... oh that was funny. 6.6
o.o .. the Dib didn't strike me as hot... I was terribly amused by the picture and enjoyed it very much, but it didn't strike me as hot.... either that's just me, or it's a pervy-werecat-twin phenomenon. u.u
Heehee.. ^_^ .. this is so funny. It DOES make him look kinda like Aubs. I didn't ever conceive of his hair being that long... but y'know, it would have to be, wouldn't it. I still say it's a physical impossibility to gel hair so that it sticks up THAT much when it's that long... but it's Dib. He has special hair powers. u.u I will not be convinced otherwise. You should totally make an LJ icon out of this!!!
Long haired Dibby. Not really a Dib fan, but I would have to say SEXAH.
Oh god, just looking at his expression and stuff is making me laugh.
Dib: What do you mean you don't have a mixture of elmer's glue and super sturdy hair gel for me? How do you people take care of YOUR hair?
But seriously Dib, you look better with it down.