Nikki Star

The Prisoner of Azkaban (a poster) by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

@_@ Its gotta be the picture thats taken the LONGEST I've EVER done. Yeah...Anyway, I put a little bit of everything from the plot of the Prisoner of Azkaban. Of course, we have Sirius, shadowing his dog self, watching over Harry. On the other side, we see Trelawny looking in to a crystal ball that shows Buckbeak flying (very cheap, but yeah). Below her, Lupin has a shadow of his wolf form as he is getting the Wolfsbane from Snape. At the bottom, Ron is shooting a nasty glare at Hermione while protectively holdong on to Scabbers, whose shadow is is Human self, Peter Pettigrew. Hermione is looking pensive at her Time Turner with an aggrivated Crookshanks in her arms, hissing and clawing in Wormtail's direction. Harry, is in the center, Marauder's Map in one hand, wand in the other, casting his silvery patronus of Prongs that is driving the Dementor away.

Finished Work
21y14d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 29 June, 2003 @ 08:11 AM

You're getting really good at your coloring! Keep up the good work!

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