Hayley Price

Bubbles on her Relawna
Bubbles on her Relawna by @catrine (Hayley Price)

I believe the line is, "If I were watching this on TV, I'd be laughing at the poor soul in my situation . . . and that's so sad I think I'm gonna cry!"

A scene from a message board RP of ours, done in a comic style, and it turned out VERY good! The horrible rendition of Barney is overshadowed by the way I pulled off that pose without screwing up horribly. That makes this my second picture of Bubbles, but I'm uploading them backwards so you may not have seen the other one yet . . .

Ahh, it's gorgeous! I left out the patterning on Bubbles's skirt because I'm lazy.

For more info on this weird little Fanthing called the Sailor Eons, visit the website! http://sailoreons.freehosting.net/splash.html

21y190d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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