Hayley Price

Wooo! COLOR!
Wooo! COLOR! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

My only colored image in today's tsunami of images. This is Cokie/Sailor Illuneon, as she describes herself in the fanfic she contributed. I really love that fanfic . . . since her name is so similar to the one we gave to the NPC Queen of our city, I was kinda hoping she'd want to take the job of being the Queen's niece when I first mentioned it in my Prologue Parallel . . . wow, it seems so long ago that I wrote that.

Anyway. Cokie, in COLOR! I spent a lot of time trying something new with the shape of her face, which, while not a failure, ended up looking a lot like how I normally do faces. Well, c'est la vie.

For more info on this weird little Fanthing called the Sailor Eons, visit the website! http://sailoreons.freehosting.net/splash.html

21y190d ago
Other Work By @catrine

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 06 January, 2003 @ 07:22 PM

Kitty! That's so awesome!! hugs I don't think anyone drew me yet! ^_^ super happy

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