Kelly Marie

Invader Zim kids as Teens
Invader Zim kids as Teens by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

AWww...the life as a Teen how wonderful. Here we have Invader zim, Gaz, Dib and Bid as they show up in the wonderful picture at their high school year.

Finished Work
22y131d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 24 February, 2002 @ 03:57 AM

Mmmmmm-MM! Dib turned out to be pretty sexy in his teen years ^-^ I love the new clothes he's got on, and the face he's making is so enticing. I can only imagine what he's thinking ^~ The rest of the pic looks great too (I really must know what you do your coloring with!), Zim looks especially nice, but my eyes just keep wandering back to Dib... ~sigh~ I can't help it, he's such a hottie! ^^ (Don't mind me, I'm a hopeless Dib fangirl who should be put in a mental ward -_-;;)

Posted: Tuesday, 26 February, 2002 @ 10:04 PM

smiles big hehehee! I remember seeing this before:D Thanks to the Bid site.... too bad it went down after a bit... cause of technical difficulties and all with Elvis winkwink Well anywayz, thanks for posting one of my favorites! (even if it wasn't for me, I still like it!!!)

Posted: Saturday, 23 March, 2002 @ 08:30 AM

ZIM'S HOT!!! I love the way you drew Zim as a teen. How did he get those muscles?

Posted: Friday, 05 April, 2002 @ 03:33 AM

Like...WOW! O__o This looks fantastic! I especially like Zim, buahahaha! ^^ I looked at all your pics and I must say, they're amazing! ^_^ Maybe we could do an art trade sometimes? ;) www.side7.com/art/martkowa

Posted: Sunday, 11 August, 2002 @ 10:44 PM

UGH! HOW COME EVERYONES TEEN VERSIONS ARE DIFFERENT FROM MINE?!?! :breathes heavily for a minute, then calms down: Phew. :looks at all the wierd stares she's getting: ahem Despite that... outburst of mine... this is really good!

Posted: Saturday, 22 February, 2003 @ 12:31 PM

I love my owner (Dib!) as a teen. I think he's 13 in this pic. I love Zim as a teen as well. Gotta run. ~Zodiac~

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