Jenny Smith

Taken is a good band.
Taken is a good band. by @LiveLoveBurnDie (Jenny Smith)

Yeah.. I just like them, or something. Its hardcore..so don't go downloading less you like hardcore... ANYWHO..Yeah, I like the coloring on this picture, I though it sucked but it looks kinda cute and pretty cool. I wanted to make something not match with her outfit, cuz a wholeeee matching outfit is sorta weird to me.. So she has pink and red shoes. Yeaah.. Its another doll shes holding, and uh.. Shes smiling cuz I was listening to Audio Karate when I was drawing this, and I was smiling a lot o_o Now I'm listening to Taken, hence the file name... UUH..I think I've seen these pants some where, but I dunno..It was my own design but..it looks really familar now o_o;; Oi, jennys so unoriginal.. OH and if yer wondering her shirt says "4 the punx"

Finished Work
22y249d ago
Other Work By @LiveLoveBurnDie

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 10 February, 2002 @ 02:20 PM

Hey! I love this pic! Well done! ^.~

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