Thea Critza

Facing the dawn
Facing the dawn by @theacrit (Thea Critza)

I know there's a million other thing I need to do but hey! He's a hottie and I've never drawn him before, so I thought I would. Actually, it didn't happen quite that way, lol. I started to draw Goku, but I felt like giving him that bandana whatever thingy and make it Goku Jr, but then I have him a Yamcha scar, and he looked like Bardock so...yeah...O.o Thats the story behind this pic! Poor Bardock-kun, he's crying...:'( How come when he cries I find it sad and when Vegeta cries I find it "um...yeah"? He's crying because his whole gosh darn(O.o) planet was just blown up, he's dead, and all his friends are dead. Vegeta cries because "Oh no big meanie Frieza is going to hurt me real bad!" or "Waaaahhhh Kakarotto is a super saiyan and I'm not! Boo hoo!". Don't hurt me for not liking Vegeta, I can't help it! Is it just me, or is my image description ususlly end up to be a big long editorial? Artwork © Copyright 2002 Thea Critza

Finished Work
22y21d ago
Other Work By @theacrit

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 21 May, 2002 @ 03:40 AM

Aww he does look very upset there. I'd hug him if he wasn't so bloody and whoop my @ss for touching him. =P Great work I LOVE the background and colouring. I also like the his tail peering over his shoulder.. >^,,^< http://www.side7.com/art/tamagale/gallery.html

Posted: Tuesday, 21 May, 2002 @ 08:38 PM

This is absolutely gorgeous! Not often you get to see a teary-eyed Bardock. ^-^ Great work!

Posted: Saturday, 06 July, 2002 @ 04:59 AM

Oh, I have to comment this one! sniffs I nearlly cried with him! awwwwwwwwwww!!I love every detail of him! Did you know that Bardock is my top 2 fave male characters? Vegeta is being the tops. Iknow you don't like vegeta! But I DO!!! But this piccy is just sad... one problem though, this is not an 'E' it is 'T (v)' for the blood part. just so you know. ^_^

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